

When it comes to simple ways to be healthy, walking is all the rage. Follow these tips to get started and learn more about fitness walking. 

You can get active in lots of ways, but walking is one of the easiest! For most people, it’s safe, easy to stick with and low- or no-cost. It doesn’t require any special skills or equipment. For such a simple activity, it has so many benefits.  

Research has shown that walking at a brisk pace at least 150 minutes a week can help you: 

  • 想得更好,感觉更好,睡得更好. 
  • Reduce your risk of serious diseases like heart disease, stroke, 糖尿病和几种癌症. 
  • Improve your blood pressure, blood sugar and blood 胆固醇 levels.
  • 增加你的能量 和耐力.
  • Improve your mental and emotional well-being and reduce your risk of depression.
  • 提高记忆力,降低患痴呆的风险.
  • Boost bone strength and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.
  • 防止体重增加.

如果150分钟听起来很长,记住这一点 即使是很短的运动线上电子游戏飞禽走兽也可以加起来 在一周内达到这个目标. And it’s easy to fit in a few minutes of walking several times a day. This could be 10 minutes of brisk walking after breakfast, lunch and dinner. 


Did you know more Americans walk for fitness than run? 也许你没那么喜欢跑步. Or maybe you’ve had an injury and can’t run anymore. 然后步行——每一步都很重要. 走 briskly can help your health as much as running.


  • 准备好. 你需要做的就是 舒适的衣服 and 支持的鞋子. Keep your cool by layering clothing, because exercise raises your body’s temperature. Shoes designed for walking or running are best, but not required. Just make sure you have a little wiggle room (about half an inch) between your longest toe and the end of the shoe. Avoid cotton socks because they retain moisture and can lead to blisters. (谁知道?!) 

  • 放轻松. If you’re out of shape, begin with short distances. Start with a stroll that feels comfortable (perhaps 10–15 minutes), 并逐渐增加你的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽或距离. 如果这样对你的身体和日程安排更方便的话, stick with a couple of 10- to 20-minute walks a day instead of one long walk.

  • 注重形式. 抬起你的头(不要发短信)!),腹肌活动,肩膀放松. 自然地摆动手臂. Avoid carrying heavy items or hand weights because they can put extra stress on your elbows and shoulders – try a backpack instead. 坚持一个舒适、自然的步幅. 

  • Breathe. If you can’t talk or catch your breath while walking, slow down. 首先,忘掉速度. 出去走走! 

  • 加快步伐. To warm up, walk at an easy pace for the first several minutes. 然后逐渐提高速度.

  • 增加多样性和挑战. 尝试轻快的间隔. For example, walk one block fast, two blocks slow and repeat several times. Over time you’ll be able to add more fast intervals with shorter recovery periods. 走 hills or stairs is a great way to increase muscle strength and burn more calories. 

  • 拉伸. The end of your walk is a great time to stretch as your body is warmed up. 拉伸 your hamstrings, calves, chest, shoulders and back. 每次拉伸保持15到30秒. 

  • 记录你的进步. 只要有可能,就把散步列入你的日程表. 这可能意味着每天要进行几次短途散步. When you can fit it in, longer walks will help you improve your stamina. Just remember your overall goal is at least 150 minutes each week.


  • 保持警惕. Listening to music while you walk can help keep you energized. And making phone calls is a good way to multitask. But if you use headphones, keep the volume low and watch out for traffic that you may not hear. Don’t text or stare at your device while walking; keep your eyes on the road. 

  • 脱颖而出. Wear light colors or reflective clothing and carry a flashlight or glow stick (it adds to the fun!),如果你在能见度低的时候行走. 

  • 要有街头智慧. 在人行道上行走是最好的, 但是如果你必须走在街上, 坚持走限速较低的街道, 确保司机能看到你.

  • 熟悉周围环境. Note which businesses are open when you’ll be walking and the location of emergency telephones. Walk on well-traveled streets rather than taking shortcuts through alleys or parking lots.

  • 倾听你的身体. 如果你有脚, knee, 走路时臀部或背部疼痛, stop and check with your health care team to find out the cause. You may need different shoes or another form of activity like cycling or water exercise. 但是不要放弃! 找到适合你的活动. 


也许你有段线上电子游戏飞禽走兽不活跃了. 没有问题! 开始吧. It’s not all or nothing; it’s step by step. Even if you’re already active, here are some easy ways you can add more steps to your day: 

  • 抓住皮带,带狗出去散步. 
  • 忘了摇滚明星停车吧. Park a bit farther from the entrance to your workplace, school, 杂货店, 餐馆和其他你去的地方.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator, even if just for one or two floors.
  • Catch up with a friend by walking around the block while you chat on the phone.


Join us at your local Heart Walk to help support our mission to be a relentless force for a world of longer, 更健康的生活.