
An important aspect of lowering risk 心血管疾病, also called 冠状动脉疾病 (CAD), 管理健康行为和风险因素, 比如饮食质量, 体育活动, 吸烟, 体重指数(BMI), 血压, 总胆固醇, 血糖和睡眠质量. 但是你怎么知道你有哪些风险因素呢? Your health care professional may conduct or request screening tests during regular visits.

Few of us have ideal risk levels on all screening tests. 然而, if you do have test results that are less than ideal, it doesn’t mean you’re destined to develop a serious cardiovascular disease. On the contrary, it means you’re in a position to begin changing your health in a positive way.

Some measurements such as body weight 和 血压 are taken during routine medical appointments 和 胆固醇 screening begins at age 20. The frequency of follow up will depend on your level of risk.

You will probably require additional 和 more frequent testing if you’ve been diagnosed with a cardiovascular condition such as 心脏衰竭 or 心房纤颤,或者你是否有 心脏病, 中风 或者其他心血管疾病. 即使你没有被诊断出患有某种疾病, your health care professional may want more stringent screening if you already have risk factors or a 家族病史 心血管疾病.

Key screening tests for monitoring cardiovascular health:


血压 is one of the most important screenings because high 血压 usually has no symptoms so it can’t be detected without being measured. High 血压 greatly increases your risk of heart disease 和 中风. If your 血压 is normal with values below 120/80 mm Hg, 一定要每年检查一次, 如果你的血压较高, your health care professional may want to check it more often. High 血压 can be controlled through lifestyle changes 和/or medication.


In adults who are 20 or older 和 not on lipid-lowering therapy, measurement of either a fasting or nonfasting plasma lipid profile is effective in estimating cardiovascular disease risk. 这是一种血液测试,测量总 胆固醇, LDL (bad) 胆固醇, HDL (good) 胆固醇 和 triglycerides. You may need to be tested more frequently if your health care professional determines that you’re at an increased risk for heart disease or 中风. 40岁以后, your health care professional will also want to use an equation to calculate your 10-year risk of experiencing cardiovascular disease or 中风.

比如高血压, often 胆固醇 can be controlled through lifestyle changes 和/or medication.


Your health care professional may ask for your waist circumference or use your body weight to calculate your 身体质量指数 在你的例行访问期间. These measurements may tell you 和 your physician whether you’re at a healthy body weight 和 composition. Being obese puts you at higher risk for health problems such as heart disease, 中风, 心房纤颤, 充血性心力衰竭等等.


高血糖, 或者“血糖”水平, put you at greater risk of developing insulin resistance, 前驱糖尿病 和 2型糖尿病. Untreated diabetes can lead to many serious medical problems including heart disease 和 中风. If you’re 45 years or older or if you’re overweight AND you have at least one additional cardiovascular risk factor regardless of age, 你的健康护理专家可能会建议你 血糖测试. They may also measure glycated hemoglobin A1C levels in your blood to screen for Type 2 diabetes. 糖化血红蛋白6.5%或更高被用来定义糖尿病.


If you smoke, talk to your health care professional at your next office visit about ways to 帮助你戒烟. 同时讨论你的 饮食 和 体育活动. If there’s room for improvement in your 饮食 和 daily 体育活动 levels, ask your health care professional for helpful suggestions.

建议检查 多长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽?
血压 每次定期保健检查 or at least once per year if 血压 is less than 120/80 mm Hg
胆固醇 (“fasting lipoprotein profile” to measure total, HDL和LDL胆固醇和甘油三酯) Every 4-6 years for normal-risk adults; more often if you have elevated risk for heart disease 和 中风
体重/体重指数(BMI) 在你定期去看医生的时候
腰围 As needed to help evaluate cardiovascular risk if your BMI is greater than or equal to 25 kg/m2
血糖测试 至少每3年*一次
讨论吸烟,体育活动,饮食 每次定期保健检查

*The American Diabetes Association recommends testing for 前驱糖尿病 和 risk for future diabetes for all people beginning at age 45 years. If tests are normal, it is reasonable to repeat testing at a minimum of three-year intervals.


知道如何正确地做这件事是很重要的, especially if your health care professional has recommended that you regularly monitor your 血压.