
美国心脏协会线上电子游戏飞禽走兽,Michael Merschel报道

德怀特·D总统. 艾森豪威尔用听诊器来听医生的心脏. 保罗·达德利·怀特,他曾治疗过他的心脏病. (美国心脏协会)
德怀特·D总统. 艾森豪威尔用听诊器来听医生的心脏. 保罗·达德利·怀特,他曾治疗过他的心脏病. (美国心脏协会)


但在一个世纪的总统心脏危机中, 没有一次像德怀特·艾森豪威尔1955年心脏病发作那样影响美国. 这一线上娱乐电子游戏网站先是震惊,然后又启发了整个国家. 而且就在一个科学飞速发展的时代到来之前, 它突出了研究人员对心脏健康的了解程度.

The list of presidents with cardiovascular problems in the past 100 years is almost as long as the list of presidents. 富兰克林D. 罗斯福在63岁时因中风去世. 卡尔文·柯立芝在离开椭圆形办公室四年后死于心脏病,享年60岁. Lyndon Johnson had a heart attack before he ascended to the 白色 House and died of one at age 64 after he left.

66岁时,乔治.W. 布什在任期间曾因心房颤动(一种心律不齐)接受过治疗. 离任后, Bill Clinton needed quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery in 2004 at age 58 and a stent procedure in 2010.

这只是一个抽样. 艾森豪威尔心脏病发作 stands out in part because it happened during an era when people were paying more attention to cardiovascular disease, 但即使是医生对此也知之甚少.

“‘风险因素’这个词并不存在。. 托马斯H. 咨询公司Press Ganey的首席医疗官Lee说. “因此,你可以预测谁有风险的想法并不存在."

李,他写了 艾森豪威尔的案件 发表在2020年的《线上娱乐电子游戏网站》上, 他说,当时心脏病发作“突如其来”, 他们很可怕.“即使那些被送往医院的人,死亡率也高达40%.

9月11日星期五下午,艾森豪威尔的案子开始于丹佛的一个高尔夫球场. 23, 1955. 这位1952年当选的二战英雄曾抱怨自己消化不良. 他把这种不适归咎于他的午餐——一个加了百慕大洋葱的汉堡包.

但午夜过后不久,他就因剧烈的胸痛醒来. 他的妻子玛米(Mamie)叫来了他的私人医生,医生在凌晨3点到达.m. 总统接下来究竟得到了怎样的照顾,这是有争议的, but it's likely the main attempt at treatment at that point was to simply give him morphine for his pain. It wasn't until the next afternoon that an electrocardiograph was brought in to measure his heart's electrical activity.

那是在艾森豪威尔凌晨1点醒来之后.m. 这个装置被用来确认他有严重的心脏病发作.

当你回头看他当时的关怀, 从现在起,一切都变得不同了,”医生说。. Adrian Messerli, 他是位于列克星敦的肯塔基大学介入心脏病学科主任. 梅瑟利与人合写了一篇NEJM文章 艾森豪威尔心脏病发作 50周年纪念.

梅塞利说,总统治疗的缓慢步伐与今天将采取的措施形成鲜明对比. 现在大家都知道线上电子游戏飞禽走兽是最重要的, 这就是为什么当人们发生这种情况时应该立即拨打911的原因 心脏病发作症状. 病人会被紧急送往医院, examined immediately with an ECG and sent to the catheterization lab for a procedure to clear any blocked arteries.


冠状动脉监护室不存在. 心肺复苏术或便携式除颤器对心脏骤停的人也没有效果. 这些都是几年后才出现的, 说李, 她也是波士顿布莱根妇女医院的资深医师.


德怀特·艾森豪威尔在9月11日的总统竞选活动中. 17, 1952. (Charlotte Brooks, photographer, LOOK Magazine Photograph Collection, Library of Congress, 打印s & 照片部门)
德怀特·艾森豪威尔在9月11日的总统竞选活动中. 17, 1952. (Charlotte Brooks, photographer, LOOK Magazine Photograph Collection, Library of Congress, 打印s & 照片部门)

由于缺乏有效的治疗,有关总统心脏病发作的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽令人恐惧. 的,你.S. 卫生局局长. 莱纳德·舍勒(Leonard Scheele)将他的震惊等同于珍珠港遭到袭击后的感受. 消息传出后的那个星期一, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 6% – a $14 billion loss that was the largest since the stock market crash of 1929.

走进这可怕的气氛. 波士顿麻省总医院的Paul Dudley 白色说. 他已被军医传唤,并于周日飞往丹佛.

白色, who had helped found the 美国心脏协会 in 1924 and had treated the likes of Andrew Carnegie and William Randolph Hearst, “可以说是全国最受尊敬的医生?,李写道。.

Eisenhower had cleared the way for an unprecedented public discussion of his health by ordering his press secretary to "tell them everything.怀特查阅了总统的记录,咨询了他的医生,并对他进行了检查.

在周一早上拥挤的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽发布会之前, 怀特抓住这个机会,不仅仅是讨论总统的预后, 但是要教.

那天,心脏病对数百万美国人来说不再那么神秘,也不再那么可怕了,李写道。, ,怀特告诉他们,他们可以采取措施降低风险."

白色 explained that the president's problem was not related to golf or Denver's high altitude, 正如一些人所怀疑的那样. 他详细阐述了他所谓的“冠状动脉血栓形成”的过程,血栓阻止血液流向心脏.

从理解的前沿来说, 怀特说,心脏病发作可能与饮食等因素有关, 酒精, 烟草, 运动和家族史.

Crucially, Lee said, 白色 also provided honest hope about the president's chances for recovery. 同样至关重要的是, 怀特说,心脏病发作并不意味着富有成效的生活的结束, 正如当时许多人所想的那样.

整个国家都在倾听. 克拉伦斯·G. Lasby wrote in his 1997 book "Eisenhower's Heart Attack: How Ike Beat Heart Disease and Held on to the Presidency," 白色 had gone to Denver as a consultant; a few weeks later, 他是全国的名人.

怀特对心脏健康的看法成为了头版线上电子游戏飞禽走兽. Lasby引用了他的话, "I talked to the country during those next few weeks as I had talked to families of many private patients."

The immediate effect was to dispel the notion that heart attack survivors were doomed to lives of inactivity. 随着线上电子游戏飞禽走兽的推移, Messerli说, 白色's message also "may have improved the public's tolerance for financing cardiovascular research and medical research generally."


梅瑟利说:“我认为尽管经过了精心护理,他还是活了下来。. “这是, it is very unlikely that any of the medical therapy that he received at the time did much to influence the outcome of his heart attack."

然而,艾森豪威尔确实恢复了元气,并在1956年赢得了连任. And on his own, he took several steps to help his heart health that doctors would recommend today.

德怀特·D总统. Eisenhower and first lady Mamie Eisenhower smile during the Republican National Convention in Chicago on July 26, 1960. (美国国会图书馆,印刷品 & 香港大学摄影科.S. 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽 & 世界报告杂志合集)
德怀特·D总统. Eisenhower and first lady Mamie Eisenhower smile during the Republican National Convention in Chicago on July 26, 1960. (美国国会图书馆,印刷品 & 香港大学摄影科.S. 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽 & 世界报告杂志合集)

Lasby writes that Eisenhower was "far ahead of the field" in following 白色's advice on the importance of exercise and a low-fat, 低胆固醇饮食. 这位曾经一天抽四包烟的人在1949年突然戒掉了烟瘾. 他小心地注意着自己的体重. 在1959年总统读到降低胆固醇的饮食之后, 一位医生开玩笑说,他更担心自己的胆固醇水平,而不是高尔夫球成绩.

然而,他的心血管问题并没有结束. 1957年,艾森豪威尔中风,影响了他的说话能力. 1965年的另一次心脏病发作结束了他对公共事务的参与. 1969年,他死于充血性心力衰竭,享年78岁.

Eisenhower did live long enough to benefit from the wave of treatments that were being developed in his final years, Messerli说. He was one of the first to benefit from a defibrillator – which can shock a heart into proper rhythm – that was introduced in 1962. 1968年,在一次住院治疗中,艾森豪威尔多次感到震惊. 梅瑟利说:“每次使用这种药物,都可以说是救了他的命。.

Late in his life he was considered for other then-new treatments, including coronary bypass surgery.

Heart attack treatment would enter a new era when balloon angioplasty – where a balloon is inserted via catheter to open blocked arteries – was successfully pioneered in 1977. 这种治疗方法, 再加上20世纪80年代溶血药物的出现, 也就是说今天, 即使是严重的心脏病发作,30天的存活率也在90%左右.

Looking back at such progress, Messerli说, makes him excited about today's emerging technologies. “想想80年后我们会在哪里,真是令人羞愧, 有适当的研究和资助."

怀特今天以善良和同情教育人们心脏健康而闻名, but Eisenhower's feelings toward 白色 cooled because of what he perceived as "publicity seeking,拉斯比写道. But the author credits the president and the physician for helping to unleash "an unparalleled flood of knowledge that constituted the nation's first serious inquiry into its most devastating disease."

1955年,《线上娱乐电子游戏网站》的编辑写信给总统.S. 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽 and World Report noted the many requests for reprints of its interviews with heart experts and said, “因为你的病, the American people are better educated on the heart and its ailments than they ever have been before."

陆军博士. 托马斯Mattingly, 谁监督了总统的大部分治疗, 写到怀特, 谁死于1973年,享年87岁, “今天,每一位幸存的冠心病患者都要感谢他的帮助."


美国心脏协会线上电子游戏飞禽走兽报道心脏病、中风和相关健康问题. Not all views expressed in 美国心脏协会 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽 stories reflect the official position of the 美国心脏协会. 语句, 结论, accuracy and reliability of studies published in 美国心脏协会 scientific journals or presented at 美国心脏协会 scientific meetings are solely those of the study authors and do not necessarily reflect the 美国心脏协会’s official guidance, 政策或立场.

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